Phunzirani Development

Our goal is to contribute to the enhancement of Malawian people's optimism for the future by offering communities in the areas of agriculture, education, health, democracy and governance, the environment, and youth development top-notch services that involve women, men, girls, and boys.
About Us

Organisation Background & History

Phunzirani Development Organisation (PDO) was founded and legally constituted in 1998.  The organisation is registered under Trustees Incorporation Act of 1962, Council for Non-Governmental Organisation in Malawi (CONGOMA) and Non-Governmental Organisation Regulatory Authority (NGORA).

agriculture project
Drilling of Boreholes
Rice Production

A group of interns and Kinnear Mlowoka in the Matete Rice production location in Chilumba

Transparency and Accountability

We believe and uphold the promotion and maintenance of working environment that displays openness and at the same time accountable.

why are we different?

We work to support government policies and initiatives in improving the status and livelihoods of the disadvantaged groups, in the society without discrimination, of any political parties and shall not be used to campaign or support any political during elections.